Today I bought a few of my favorite things from the African Store I love the Kaneshie Market. I bought over a pound of shea butter, a bar of soap and coconut oil.
Here is the shea butter I bought for only 8 bucks
The Coconut Oil was also a good deal
Here is one of my favorite soaps next to Dr. Bonners Soap, Dudu-Osun black soap
This song celebrates the legacy of Queen Sheba and how it's important to know your history
Makeda - Les Nubians
On veut nous faire croire à des mythes perdus Des passages de l'histoire falsifiès et revus De Ramsès à Mandela, que de vérités tues En ignorant le départ, on erre sans but
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
La reine de Saba vit en moi Makeda vit en moi.
Ravivons nos mémoires Il faut changer l'histoire Elle part à la dÈrive A la dérive des mots….Non Le savoir et la sagesse sont à portée de main écoute et observe
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
La reine de Saba vit en moi Makeda vit en moi.
Mon peuple danse et chante Il exalte sa joie Loin de l'ignorance Il démontre sa foi
Riches d'hommes et de valeurs Nous réparons les erreurs Fils et filles vous et moi Prêts au combat
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
La reine de Saba vit en moi Makeda vit en moi.
On veut nous faire croire à des mythes perdus Des passages de l'histoire falsifiès et revus De Ramsès à Mandela, que de vérités tues En ignorant le départ, on erre sans but
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
La reine de Saba vit en moi Makeda vit en moi.
Ravivons nos mémoires Il faut changer l'histoire Elle part à la dÈrive A la dérive des mots….Non Le savoir et la sagesse sont à portée de main écoute et observe
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
La reine de Saba vit en moi Makeda vit en moi.
Mon peuple danse et chante Il exalte sa joie Loin de l'ignorance Il démontre sa foi
Riches d'hommes et de valeurs Nous réparons les erreurs Fils et filles vous et moi Prêts au combat
Makeda était reine, belle et puissante Salomon rêvait de sa peau noire Je chante pour raviver les mémoires Exhumer les connaissances Que la spirale du temps efface
I found some very cute earrings to day at the flea market. I went there to get some oils and I always like to walk around to this one particular booth where this man sells jewelry handmade by his family in Africa. They are a diamond shaped white stone like or maybe mother of pearl. I asked him what it was and he said Ivory as in from the tooth of an Elephant.
I'm gonna have to get these checked to make sure, because I don't want any Innocent elephants to die on the account of me wearing cute earrings. Also, I don't want PETA starting a rally in front of my house lol!!
If the earrings are Ivory I got them for a great price at only $5.00. Check them out below!!
Today I bought some Hair Milk at Wally World. I read the ingredients and was impressed that there is no mineral Oil, petroleum, or parabens!!! I think the hair industry is catching on. Well, the product I bought is by Palmers and it's their Coconut Oil Formula Hair Milk.
The hair milk is very lightweight and has pleasant coconut sent. I paid about 5 dollars for it, which is not too expensive for the nappturalsistahs on a budget. I used it my hair while it was wet and it left it soft and shiny after it dried. I applied a little more later in the day on dry hair and it made my 4a/4b hair manageable and still left it soft without a greasy feeling
I think this one is a keeper ladies. Give it a try and let me know what ya think.
This is a tribute to my fav natural star Mz. Jill Scott. She is such a beautiful woman and her hair is the absolute bomb. So enjoy the pictures of my very own hair Idol.
Since this past Sunday I've been thinking about the word Trust. Trust is an invisible tangible item given to another person or thing with an expectation of a desired result. We put our trust in our family, friends, jobs, cars, money, boyfriends, girlfriends, government, the weather man, God, pets, and much more. We give our trust so freely to so many things, often expecting to receive much more than the trust we gave.
Merriam Webster defines Trust as: 1. a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b: one in which confidence is placed 2 a: dependence on something future or contingent : hope
Too many times have we put our trust in someone based on a belief, past performance of, or perceived intention. We put our trust in our parents expecting without fail for them to be there no matter what, to help us out no matter what, but then you go to them and they say no to something we ask or deny you a withdrawal from mommy's and daddy's sometimes deep but short pockets, we get mad. Therefore; putting a dent in the trust we have for them, but not totally distrusting them. We still love them, we still trust them, and we don't give up on them .
We put our trust in our cars to take us to and fro, from point A to point B, but rarely for one second do we stop to think about the next time we put the key in the ignition and turn will it start up. Until one day you get in, turn the key and nothing happens. Now we think about the oil change we were supposed to get or issue we were supposed to get fixed. So, we go to the mechanic to get it fixed with the trust that it will work again without fail.
God the creator of all sent in his own image his son Jesus so that we may be saved and have everlasting life. He came so we may live and live life more abundantly. The only requirements was to give our lives over to the Lord, confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, Seek his kingdom and he would give us the desires of our hearts, abstain from unrighteousness and live a holy life. He asked us in so many words to Trust Him with everything we are and have. Oh that doesn't seem so hard well he is God, he is my father in heaven, of course I can trust him .
I asked a few people I know do they trust God and everyone said yes of course I trust God! One friend I'm really close with said Yes I trust God why did you ask that?
I simply replied oh I was just thinking about the word trust, but let me ask you this... what do you trust him for?
Everything she said Jesus is my everything!
So, I let off a little chuckle and she asked why are you laughing? I'm laughing because even the disciples doubted him and if we trust him for everything we wouldn't be doubting he could handle some situations that we are in today. Like my example about trusting our parents when we go to God and petition for things that we would like done, handled, given, taken away, protected from and etc. When he doesn't allow us to have what we asked for or demanded in some cases from him, we get mad. Unlike my example most times instead of continuing to trust God we kick him to the curb, even though we say we still love him. We stop going to church, stop praying, stop fasting, stop praising and worshiping. all because we expected more from God than the trust we gave to him.
Proverbs 3:5 -6 says :"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. "
I don't want to be a person who can trust him for things and can't trust in him for my everything. I can't go on another day asking him to do this for me and that for me when I can't obey his word, give him thanks for everything, follow his commandments, treat my neighbor or my brother right, everything that he TRUST me to do.
So, what do you trust him or do you only trust him when it's convenient for you
How was your Valentines weekend?? My was good My boo and I spent the weekend together. I cooked dinner for him, which was better than any dinner we could've bought at a restaurant, and then we went to the movies to see Friday the 13th. Can someone tell me will this man Jason ever die??
I hope your Valentines day was a good day too. I have some new product and hair info coming so be on the watch until next time.
I found a oil that I like a lot for my body and hair for the winter air made by Cantu Shea Butter. The Cantu Shea Butter Natural Olive Oil has a pleasant smell and it’s all natural.!! Ingredients include lots of good stuff like Olive oil (of course), Castor oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter, and more.
The oil is a little heavy so I would recommend using this as a winter skin protector and to seal in moisture after getting out of the shower. It takes a minute to absorb into the skin so don’t put on any silk shirt right away. Yet, it leaves your skin feeling soft and smelling good
I used it on my hair after I shaped my fro and it left it soft and shiny. So, for the four bucks I paid for it I think it was worth it.
You can find it at any major retailer like, Wal-Mart, CVS, & Target. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
It's been such a long 6 days since I last posted. I've been to District Choir rehearsals, church, a musical and started a new job on Monday. With all of the hustle and bustle of life it's amazing that I have't resulted to pulling my hair out. The new job is interesting, but the class is too big and it's frustrating to have to listen to 20 million questions about the same stuff over and over. Who ever thought it was ok to put 44 people in a new hire training class needs their head checked.
Today I want to talk about stress relief. Everyone deals with stress in their own way, wether it be good or bad. Due to me being out of work for a period of time I was stressed about where money was going to come from to pay rent, bills and buy food. Yet, because I didn't completely panic about my job loss and financial issues I found a way to make it through the tough time and how to deal with the stress in a healthy way.
Normally I would have thought my whole world had ended and I would never recover, but thanks to my stronger FAITH in God I overcame stress. I prayed and prayed and prayed again, then I worshiped and praised him in advanced for things I had yet to see. I even stepped up my giving with the faith that God would make a way.
Matthew 6:33 says But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you...
So, in order to deal with stress you have to seek God first and it doesn't mean that he'll remove the stress, but that he will condition you to live in the stress or help you get through the stress. We have to look at the agent that is causing the stress and figure out what it is that makes us so stressed about it. For example I most times get stressed about weight loss, so I start to over eat and I end up gaining 5lbs, then I'm upset because I gained more weight and I eat more and have a pity party that ends with an after party at the home of our good friend Depression.
Looking at the example above the stress started with My struggle with weightloss and ended in depression. All of the things that stressed me were caused by my own actions, internal feelings and guilt about myself. This is something I can control; I can choose not to over eat, buy healthier foods and workout.
Some stress agents are out of our bounds of control like traffic, gas prices, job, some family issues, and many more. Yet how we choose to address the stress agent determines the outcome of the issue. If I drive home in rush hour traffic everyday I can't get mad have an episode of road rage and curse out all the cars due to freeway congestion.
Some tips to help you relieve stress are....
Listening to soothing/relaxing music. (Listen to what makes you happy, classical, gospel, etc)
Take a walk. Walking is a great stress relief and good for your health
Go to the Gym. ( Those extra pounds can be shed along with your stress
Pray! ( Prayer is a way to connect with God and ease your mind)
Turn up the music and Dance ( sometimes in my home of course I like to crank the music and dance even though I'm not a good dancer lol)
Surround yourself with positive people. (Hang out with the girls, Go to the mall and buy nothing I don't want you to start another habit lol)
Until next time I got to go to bed !!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Inspirational Scripture of the day
Hey ladies here is something will be doing daily now to inspire you. I hope you enjoy.
Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus
Today I was given a chance that I didn't even deserve, but because of God's Mercy and his faithfulness he saw my need and made a way for me to do what I need to. He's so Awesome!!
Hello world!! one of the things I love to do is serve the Lord and when it comes to being a servant of Christ you have to learn about servitude and what it means. Here is a post I got from a forum I frequent on this website
It's not about you: this concept teaches a servant that when you're serving in any capacity, you should not consider yourself or you own needs. This is the time to consider the needs of others and place yours on the back burner. There is plenty of time to deal with your needs and issues (in private counsel), just not when you're serving. This concept also teaches that servants aren't seeking any gratification or praise in return of their serving.
Presentation: this concept teaches a servant that presentation is everything!!! You want to ensure that servants are aware that they are not serving the person (i.e. Bishop, Pastor, etc…) they are serving as unto the Lord. This goes for display tables, your personal appearance and the appearance of those assisting you.
Spirit of Excellence: this concept teaches a servant to put their whole heart into what they are doing. Making sure things are coordinated in an organized and structured fashion. Sacrifice, Sacrifice,
Sacrifice: this concept teaches a servant that you will have to totally give of yourself to serve in any capacity. This may mean 2 hours of sleep; standing in heals all day, driving long distances (with only 2 hours of sleep), and long night talks with others who are in need. This concept also teaches a servant to be totally self-less.
Being Available: this concept teaches a servant that your time is not yours. You give your time to serve the body of Christ wherever there is a need. This may mean serving in a particular area where you may not feel very confident. (i.e. being asked to lead a worship song and you don't feel like you can sing very well)
Be Sharp: This concept is simple yet complex. When planning, hosting, or serving, there is always "things" that do not go as planned. Never show looks like you don't know what's going on. Even when things are going left, do you best to re-direct them right and always attempt to fix whatever the problem is._________________Content over Appearance Substance over Appeal MINISTRY
It was like heaven on earth when I first met him In his eyes I saw the universe everything he was, everything he wasn’t Everything he could be and everything that he wanted to be
I believed in him, his words rang in my hears like a never heard truth, his words caressed my eardrums like the soft touch of his hands only to make love to me mentally instead of physically.
It will always be like this, we will always be together are the words he said then he assured me by paying me with verbal checks from his lyrical checkbook, I will never leave you, I will never hurt you, are the checks he deposited.
For the first year and a half of payments cleared without problem, now we run into the second year and then the I will never hurt you checks returns “I stood you up”or “I can’t come this weekend”; I will never leave you checks comes back “I can’t do this anymore” All null and void but it’s ok I can pay the overdraft charges, not to damage done to my heart shaped pocketbook.
After a long talk we work things out? Yet, you still do what you do, but you love me right? You said you wouldn’t hurt me again, you never felt the way you feel about me right? I’m the only one for you and you’re the only one for me right? Things will be better when we’re married right? So, now I live in the Unreality of the Love I have for You only it’s the Reality of the Love that I have for you.
I tell myself it’s not a big deal he’s my man and if he loved them more than he loved me he wouldn’t be here for or with me, he wouldn't do the things he does for me, he wouldn’t say the things he says to me, he wouldn’t make the promises that he’s made to me. Right?
So, I’m stuck in the reality of the unreality of love, under the curse of what I perceived Real love is suppose to be. Caught up in my perception of the relationships of my parents, my brothers, & my cousins have or had, which is now my own reality distorted and unreal. Stuck in the cycle of bad relationships living in the Real world of Loves Unreality Reality.
After reading this article on the Internet it confirms all the more why I hate medication. I suffer from migraines and in order for me to take some pain medication my head has to be on the point of exploding.
Suits Saying Pfizer Experimented on Nigerian Children Are Revived By Joe StephensWashington Post Staff WriterSaturday, January 31, 2009;
A federal appeals court on Friday revived two lawsuits brought against Pfizer by Nigerian families who say the giant drug maker used their children in an illegal test of an experimental antibiotic.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York ruled that the suits, dismissed earlier by a lower-court judge who said they should have been brought in Nigeria, can now go forward in the U.S. courts. Lawyers said the ruling could set a precedent affecting other American companies accused of wrongdoing overseas.
The lawsuits seek unspecified damages on behalf of the families, who say Pfizer violated international law by testing the drug, known as Trovan, on perilously ill children without their knowledge. Eleven children died during the 1996 clinical trial, carried out during a record meningitis epidemic. Other children developed brain damage and crippling arthritis."This is a home run for us," said Richard P. Altschuler, an attorney for the families. "The judges are making a statement. They are telling companies, 'If you go overseas, justice will come back to the United States.' "
Pfizer also is the target of criminal and civil legal actions in Nigeria, where authorities are seeking damages of more than $8 billion. While the ruling in New York has no direct effect on the Nigerian actions, lawyers in the case said it could complicate long-running settlement negotiations there.
Pfizer issued a statement dismissing the court action as "only a procedural ruling.""It is not a determination on their merits," the statement said. "Indeed, the strong dissent by one of the judges may be grounds for further appellate proceedings. Pfizer remains confident that it will prevail in these cases, and is weighing its options on how to best respond to this decision." Pfizer said the clinical study was conducted with the approval of the Nigerian government and the consent of the participants' parents or guardians. The trial violated no international or Nigerian laws, the company said.
The experiment came to light in December 2000, when The Washington Post published a lengthy examination of the trial. It found that Pfizer carried out the experiment on 200 children at a makeshift epidemic camp in the Nigerian town of Kano. The articles reported that Pfizer had no signed consent forms for the children and relied on a falsified ethics approval letter to defend the design of the experiment..Trovan was never approved for use by American children. The Food and Drug Administration approved it for adults in 1998 but later severely restricted its use after reports of liver failure. The European Union banned the drug in 1999.
I've been gone for a few days or 2 or 10..... lol I've been traveling on the highway back and forth to Michigan and I'm about to conclude a week long stay in Cincinnati. As you know I have done the BC and I'm loving it.
My friends and family have had good responses to it, except for one pesky person whom I call my boyfriend. When I first told my BF that I was gonna go natural he said he was fine with it just don't cut your hair into a fade. We both agreed that was not a look for me. So, after months of transitioning with braids, kinky twist, and more braids it has grown to a length I feel comfortable cutting the permed ends off and HE HATES IT!!!
This is my hair on Friday that my bf hates so much he says it doesn't fit my face.
I just don't understand why but I really don't care (I guess that makes me mean now ...). He asked me to flat iron my hair because since we've been together I've always had my hair and I quote "neat and together" (what the blood clot!!!!) So, I go to the store and buy some flat irons. I started flat ironing my hair and the irons didn't get as hot as I wanted them to but they worked. Well, my hair is like even all over and has not style so I end up looking like My granny and I'm pissed. Needless to say I didn't go to church because I didn't like my hair.
I love my boo but he's gonna have to deal with the fro until it gets longer to do something else with. I'm cool with the flat ironed look but I love the natural look. Until next time ladies