Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Baggy Method

Hey Ladies!!!

Sorry for the break in post I've been working like crazy. I tried the baggy method yall and guess what It works pretty good!!

For those who don't know what the baggy method is. It's a process to help your hair retain moisture and avoid breakage and split ends. Most people just use it for their ends by bagging their ponytail but my hair is short so I bagged my entire head.

To get started 1st your pick you favorite leave-in conditioner and put just enough in your hair or on your ponytail for those who want to just do their ends.

After applying the conditioner to your hair seal the ends by using a good oil. I used EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)to seal my hair.

After applying the oil place the shower cap on your head and wrap your head in your silk/satin scarf or bonnet. When I put my shower cap on I secured it with a head band because I know how I sleep and they I tied my satin scarf.

When I woke in the morning I took the scarf and cap off and my hair was very moist. It wasn't dripping but it was wet and that's because I bagged my entire head.

I picked my fro out and went to work. My hair stayed soft and manageable all day I'm very impressed by this method. Although; I will be putting in less conditioner this time to adjust the amount of moistness I have in the morning.

I'll post pictures tomorrow of when I baggy my hair tonight and the results.

Nappturally Yours,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this technique! I will be trying it after I get rid of my braids. Nice blog!